Contributed Collaborative Post
One of the most incredible things about practice and yoga is during the practice itself, you learn to control your breathing, and even this small act os being conscious of your breath and releasing it can do wonders for any levels of stress or tension.
The actual benefits of yoga go far beyond that and can have a huge and lasting impact on your mental health.
Yoga has been practiced and taught for millions of years; you can even get your yoga certification online. And it is widely recognised as one of a myriad of tools that can help with mental health. There are even some yoga flows designed to help lighten your mood and relieve some symptoms of depression and anxiety.
Here are just some of the reasons that yoga is so good for feeling great.
When you are taking part in a yoga practice, you’ll most often be very aware of your surroundings, which can be a very calming sensation.
Even if you practice at home, listening to the tone of the yoga teacher’s voice and the slowness of their flow can help. Many yoga flows are specifically designed to help alleviate the issues that anxiety brings, including hyperventilation, tensing up, and excessive worrying.
We can take a severe dip when we aren’t getting enough rest and sleep. Many studies have shown how yoga can improve people’s sleep—doing an evening flow before bed can release all of the tension in your muscles and get you into a calm and relaxed state.
Not only that, but the relaxing music that is used during a yoga flow, even without a teacher guiding you, can help you get into a meditative and calm state.
Some studies show that yoga can help reduce the impact that depression has on people. By removing some of the stress and helping it alleviate worries, there can be a significant improvement in overall happiness, which can help reduce the low mood that depression has.
Something that is not often talked about is that some people use anger to express all types of emotion and reduce stress.
Since yoga is typically slow, conscious and deliberate movements of the body, it focuses on aggression on something more constructive. In general, all yogic practices are very calm, and that goes for when you attend a yoga studio, have one-on-one classes or do yoga from home.
It is no secret that yoga has been part and parcel of people taking control of their mental wellness for many years. When asked why people are taking part in yoga, the second most cited reason was that it helped relieve the stress from everyday life.
Thankfully even for those on a tight budget YouTube has a huge amount of videos that you can use to help you find the flow for what you need. From reducing backache pain to getting a more comfortable sleep, there will be a yoga flow for you.
If you need extra tips to help you get through the more challenging moments in life, here is a great post: Tips For Getting Through Tough Times – Even Angels Fall.
This is a contributed collaborative post