Pregnancy Diary: Week 20 – It’s a…. 


We had our long awaited 20 week scan yesterday morning and the nerves got the better of me. I was really stressed beforehand, convinced for some reason that something would be wrong. In order to encourage the baby to move, I drank a fizzy orange drink and had a bar of chocolate, which actually meant the baby was too active and the sonographer was worried she wouldn’t get any good pictures for us. 

From the start of the scan I thought I could see flashes of the baby which showed me the sex and, after all the checks were done and we were told baby was nice and healthy, it was confirmed – 100% a boy. He even flashed us to ensure there was no mistake. 

As Ed had a hole in his heart when he was a baby we have to go back next week for a specialist heart scan to make sure the baby hasn’t followed in his daddy’s footsteps. 

And as Cameron was apparently what is classed as a small baby at birth I am also being kept on consultant led care for the time being and given 4 weekly growth scans from 28 weeks to check baby is growing ok. I’ve also been put on aspirin daily, so overall this pregnancy has become a little more stressful than the others. It’s good to be having regular appointments though and at least it will hopefully make the second half go quickly! 

Since the scan I have been shopping… I bought a few little baby boy bits yesterday and have also now stocked up on the big bits we still needed – a new travel system (pram and car seat) and an electric/digital breast pump. We don’t really need much else now as we have a lot left over from the other two children.

I’m also planning on booking a 4d scan at 30 weeks. I was thinking of it before being told I would have the growth scans, as I had one with Carly and loved it, but I’m still going ahead as the NHS scans won’t be as detailed or personal. 

The baby’s movements have become much more pronounced and strong in the last few days. I can really feel proper kicks and it has helped me feel closer to the baby, especially now I know it’s a little boy. I can’t wait for Ed and the children to be able to feel the movements as well. 

I finally caved and changed my belly bar to a plastic holding bar until after the baby comes. I can see my belly button will pop sooner rather than later, it’s pretty weird to look at. 

Overall I’m enjoying this stage of pregnancy more than I have previously. It’s reassuring to be able to feel the baby more, and now we know what we are having I feel we can really start getting things ready for his arrival. As we plan to move soon after his birth we aren’t really going to be putting a nursery area together, but we now have a growing pile of baby things in our bedroom. There’s a lot of Star Wars and marvel stuff appearing! 

More about Emma

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